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Mostly vocabulary stories
Vocabulary Story 841  World War One Battlefield: Verdun

Vocabulary Story 841 World War One Battlefield: Verdun

1 Vocabulary Story 841 World War One Battlefield: Verdun . During the World War One Centennial, the now bosky battlefield of Verdun was ballyhooed with complaints about its unique beauty. Many allegories were made about rebirth after the armistice was signed, more than one hundred years ago. I deferred going. When I did, the guide vented pique as he scrupulously showed me around the grounds. I felt malaise thinking about all those lost there. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 841 World War One Battlefield: Verdun . During the World War One Hundred Year Anniversary, the now wooded battlefield of Verdun was highlighted with praise about its unique beauty. Many poetic comparisons were made about rebirth after the peace treaty was signed, more than one hundred years ago. I delayed in going. When I did, the guide expressed irritation as he thoroughly showed me around the grounds. I felt mildly ill thinking about all those lost there. . .
Vocabulary Story 858  Upstairs Downstairs in New York City

Vocabulary Story 858 Upstairs Downstairs in New York City

1 Vocabulary Story 858 Upstairs Downstairs in New York City . Upper class New Yorkers in the gilded age had temerity and shrewd acquisitiveness. It alienated them from the public. It was an affliction. Carnegie was called a scrupulous curmudgeon. They lived set apart in mansions on 5th avenue. However, with people of commensurate status there was harmony. They also developed a type of family group in people doing menial jobs for them like cooks and servants - a type of Upstairs Downstairs. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 858 Upstairs Downstairs in New York City . Upper class New Yorkers in the gilded age had boldness and clever greed. It estranged them from the public. It was a problem. Carnegie was called an abusive bad tempered man. They lived set apart in mansions on 5th avenue. However, with people of equal status there was community. They also developed a type of family group in people doing lowly jobs for them like cooks and servants - a type of Upstairs Downstairs. .
Vocabulary Story 832    New York City in 1890

Vocabulary Story 832 New York City in 1890

1 Vocabulary Story 832 New York City in 1890 . The upper class in 1890’s New York City was adamant reproving the raffish lower class. In their hubris, their only concern was having the police force in good kilter to protect themselves. They said the poor’s only motive was sloth and greed. For their part, the poor had reciprocal respect for each other. They noted how the rich squandered money on exorbitant mansions and parties. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 832 New York City in 1890 . The upper class in 1890’s New York City was firm in criticizing the dodgy lower class. In their pride, their only concern was having the police force in good order to protect themselves. They said the poor’s only reason for being was laziness and greed. For their part, the poor had mutual respect for each other. They noted how the rich threw money around on elaborate mansions and parties.
Vocabulary Story 831  The Old Gladiator's Problem

Vocabulary Story 831 The Old Gladiator's Problem

1 Vocabulary Story 831 The Old Gladiator’s Problem . The gladiator had a long epoch of success in the hippodrome. He started out as a vivacious youngster; then people started to feel ennui when watching him. The arena staged maritime battles to bolster interest. It was a common plight of older fighters. He had to have a claque to cheer for him. He got irascible and eschewed company. When he finally lost and was supine, they voted thumbs down. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 831 The Old Gladiator’s Problem . The gladiator had a long period of success in the circus. He started out as a lively youngster; then people started to feel bored when watching him. The arena staged sea battles to pick up interest. It was a common problem of older fighters. He had to have a chorus of fake clappers to cheer for him. He got irritable and shunned company. When he finally lost and was on his back, they voted thumbs down.
Vocabulary Story 865     A Wife is Neglected    Power Point Version

Vocabulary Story 865 A Wife is Neglected Power Point Version

Here is a story using ten words from a high school vocabulary list. I give you the words and a short definition for each. You try to make a story. You then see my story and a paraphrase of it. I also give a illustration. The purpose of this is to see the vocabulary use in context and simpler words in a paraphrase story. This is a Power Point presentation.
Vocabulary Story 859  Sports Cars in the 1960's

Vocabulary Story 859 Sports Cars in the 1960's

1 Vocabulary Story 859 Sports Cars in the 1960’s . Sports cars were in vogue in the 1960’s. They had staunch supporters of their wanton speed and power. Coy young people trespassed on the psyches of the drivers, nullifying all rules of logic and safety. There were presentiments of accidents. Jaundiced adults fought against fast cars. All this fell into decadence with the oil shortages and fuel efficient car movement. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 859 Sports Cars in the 1960’s . Sports cars were in fashion in the 1960’s. They had loyal supporters of their uncalled for speed and power. Shy young people invaded on the persona’s of the drivers, canceling all rules of logic and safety. There were fears of accidents. Envious prejudging adults fought against fast cars. All this fell by the wayside with the oil shortages and fuel efficient car movement. . .
Vocabulary Story 883  King Louis the 14th's Abuses

Vocabulary Story 883 King Louis the 14th's Abuses

1 Vocabulary Story 883 King Louis the 14th’s Abuses . King Louis the 14th was an insufferable potentate. It was enough to suffice for rebellion. An artist who worked at Versailles and got severance wrote a tell all book after his stint there. He saw blasphemy. Callow ingenue girls were pinioned to fountains just for show. The court patronized all types of vice. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 883 King Louis the 14th’s Abuses . King Louis the 14th was an intolerable dictator. It was enough to call for rebellion. An artist who worked at Versailles and got a pension wrote a tell all book after his stay there. He saw insults. Inexperiences innocent girls were chained to fountains just for show. The court supported all types of crimes. .
Vocabulary Story 885   The Paris Ballet's Corps de Ballet

Vocabulary Story 885 The Paris Ballet's Corps de Ballet

1 Vocabulary Story 885 The Paris Ballet’s Corps de Ballet . The ballets of the Ballet of Paris in the 19th century may look silly to us today; dozens of thin girls prancing together. How you got a part was up to chance. Some spots were reserved to girls old rich men simpered at; managers agreed to give them better roles. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 885 The Paris Ballet’s Corps de Ballet . The repertorie of the Ballet of Paris in the 19th century may look inane to us today; scores of slight girls cavoring en masse. How you got a part was up to serendipity. Some spots were alloted to girls octogenarian rich men puckered at; managers acceded to give them better roles. .
Vocabulary Story 894  Why People Like a Resort Town

Vocabulary Story 894 Why People Like a Resort Town

1 Vocabulary Story 894 Why People Like a Resort Town . An exhaustive study of why people have a predilection for Atlantic City was made. A synthesis of things was found. Rides give vertigo, games give booty; even things that go awry add interest. People say a trip there causes jubilation. After much council, the dormant Steel Pier amusement pier was reopened, in a ceremony reminiscent of the consecration of a church. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 894 Why People Like a Resort Town . An thorough study of why people have a liking for Atlantic City was made. A mixture of things was found. Rides give dizziness, games give prizes; even things that go wrong add interest. People say a trip there causes joy. After much deliberation, the dormant Steel Pier amusement pier was reopened, in a ceremony reminiscent of the dedication of a church. . .
Vocabulary Story 897   Plot Against Hitler

Vocabulary Story 897 Plot Against Hitler

1 Vocabulary Story 897 Plot Against Hitler . The insurrection against Hitler was intricate. It involved professionals and laymen in a kinetic action that almost succeeded. They acted listless, languid and lugubrious; jaded by being in the upper echelons of the Nazi Party. At a signal, they loped to their stations. When they thought they had killed Hitler with a bomb, there was jubilation but he survived and they were all hunted down and executed. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 897 Plot Against Hitler . The plot against Hitler was complex. It involved professionals and nonprofessionals in a lively action that almost succeeded. They acted tired slow and mournful; bored by being in the upper crust of the Nazi Party. At a signal, they ran to their stations. When they thought they had killed Hitler with a bomb, there was cerebration but he survived and they were all hunted down and executed. .
Vocabulary Story 895  The Viking Raiders

Vocabulary Story 895 The Viking Raiders

1 Vocabulary Story 895 The Viking Raiders . Norway’s kings lived in a combustible culture. They underwrote intrepid viking raiders who brandished swords complemented by spears to the approbation of their families back home. It is futile to understand this world in a cerebral way. They lived in house houses and ate bouilabaise. Viking artifacts have appreciated greatly recently. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 895 The Viking Raiders . Norway’s kings lived in a violent culture. They sponsored bold viking raiders who waved swords backed up by spears to the approval of their families back home. It is useless to understand this world in an intellectual way. They lived in house houses and ate fish stew. Viking museum pieces have gone up in value greatly recently. . .
Vocabulary Story 896  Martin Luther Rose Up

Vocabulary Story 896 Martin Luther Rose Up

1 Vocabulary Story 896 Martin Luther Rose Up . It is an unassailable corollary that hackneyed people; you’d have disdain for, are in seminaries. So, it is all the more surprising that the self-made Martin Luther arose from this environment from vague origins. He wrote an omnibus of religious and social works and was able to filibuster against Kings. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 896 Martin Luther Rose Up . It is an undeniable truism that unoriginal people; you’d have contempt for, are in religious training schools. So, it is all the more surprising the self-starter Martin Luther arose from this environment from uncertain places. He wrote a library of religious and social works and was able to bargain against Kings. .
Vocabulary Story 880  The 1929 Stock Market Crash   Non Power Point version

Vocabulary Story 880 The 1929 Stock Market Crash Non Power Point version

1 Vocabulary Story 880 The 1929 Stock Market Crash . The economic boom of the 1920’s terminated in a stock market crash. The enormity of the problem was not isolated to Wall Street, diminishing the pedestrian concerns in the hinterlands. It’s not that workers on Wall Street were not sedulous. They had their own phraseology and perquisites. They were decimated along with all peripheral industries like restaurants and theaters. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 880 The 1929 Stock Market Crash . The economic boom of the 1920’s ended in a stock market crash. The scope of the problem was not limited to Wall Street, impoverishing the ordinary concerns in the wider country. It’s not that workers on Wall Street were not hard working. They had their own language and privileges. They were ruined along with all satellite industries like restaurants and theaters. ***** Note : After twenty Power Point Stories with little interest, I’ve gone back to the old way I’ve been posting them. Please give me your feedback on this matter. Do you want Power Point Stories or like this? .
Vocabulary Story 882  People Cover Themselves in Nazi Germany       Non Power Point Version

Vocabulary Story 882 People Cover Themselves in Nazi Germany Non Power Point Version

1 Vocabulary Story 882 People Cover Themselves in Nazi Germany . At the beginning of World War Two, criticism of the Nazis was superficial, being savagely put into abeyance by contumely and ridicule. Then the tumult of war defeats conjured changes in the political barometer. People procured affidavits to pummel the autocratic government. Many people were covering their asses for the post war? . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 882 People Cover Themselves in Nazi Germany . At the beginning of World War Two, criticism of the Nazis was tepid, being savagely put in check by insults and ridicule. Then the trauma of war defeats worked changes in the political winds. People got written evidence to beat on the dictatorial government. Many people were covering themselves for the post war? . .
Vocabulary Story 889  A Great Boxer's Career

Vocabulary Story 889 A Great Boxer's Career

1 Vocabulary Story 889 A Great Boxer’s Career . A mosaic of Muhammad Ali’s career shows he had charisma, talent and grit. People clamored to see his fights. He also had longevity with a four year hiatus for refusing to serve in the Army during the Viet Nam War. He was literally incapacitated by age. People carp his last fights were bogus. However; Ali was never a curmudgeon, doing his best through it all. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 889 A Great Boxer’s Career . A portrait of Muhammad Ali’s career shows he had flair, talent and grit. People couldn’t wait to see his fights. He also had a long career with a four year break for refusing to serve in the Army during the Viet Nam War. He was really stopped by age. People complain his last fights were fakes. However; Ali was never a grouch, doing his best through it all. . . 3 Vocabulary Story 889 A Great Boxer’s Career
Vocabulary Story 891  Missionaries Go Native

Vocabulary Story 891 Missionaries Go Native

1 Vocabulary Story 891 Missionaries Go Native . Missionaries in India were compliant to headquarters back in England. They took circuitous routes not to affront local tribes, looking at gazetteers to do this. They gnashed their feet on stones. The Church in England seemed myopic with a surfeit of authoritarian rules. Many missionaries dropped out, making overtures to locals and ‘went native’. The lascivious amongst them went first. . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 891 Missionaries Go Native . Missionaries in India were obedient to headquarters back in England. They took roundabout routes not to offend local tribes, looking at map books to do this. They hurt their feet on stones. The Church in England seemed short sighted with an over abundance of dictatorial rules. Many missionaries dropped out, making advances to locals and ‘went native’. The lusty amongst them went first. .
Vocabulary Story 886  The USA is Bankrupt

Vocabulary Story 886 The USA is Bankrupt

1 Vocabulary Story 886 The USA is Bankrupt . The USA is not solvent. However people in the government are giddy, garnering large amounts by nebulous means. Bolstered by laws, legislators and their confidants have money protruding from their bank accounts. Thrifty representatives have been extirpated from the party, precepts broken and sophistry used to justify the theft. . . . . 2 Vocabulary Story 886 The USA is Bankrupt . The USA is bankrupt. However; people in the government are excited, raking in large amounts by shady means. Propped up by laws, legislators and their friends have money bulging from their bank accounts. Prudent representatives have been booted out of the party, rules broken and false reasoning used to justify the theft. . .
Vocabulary Story 888   Englishman George Stephenson Invents the Locomotive

Vocabulary Story 888 Englishman George Stephenson Invents the Locomotive

1 Vocabulary Story 888 Englishman George Stephenson Invents the Locomotive . George Stephenson invented the first successful locomotives. This new mode of transport changed the world. His vivacious charisma won him a coterie of followers that were enthralled by him. He bought a sumptuous productive estate. One incident put a temporary damper on his career. A locomotive exploded right at the portal of a tunnel, maiming many on lookers. An arbiter cleared him of any blame. . . 2 Vocabulary Story 888 Englishman George Stephenson Invents the Locomotive . George Stephenson invented the first successful locomotives. This new means of transport changed the world. His energetic charm won him a cadre of followers that were wild for him. He bought a rich productive estate. One happening put a temporary cloud on his career. A locomotive exploded right at the entrance of a tunnel, crippling many on lookers. A judge cleared him of any blame. .